Hello friends how are you guys in the world hope you guys are very good then friends go today on today's topic on top of our topic is friends how do you earn money by clicking on the ad itself of your Android application Can friends
If all these friends want to know then you can stay with us, so let's move forward in this article and tell you how this can be done.
Yes, friends, it may be that if you are an Android app developer, then you will have your own Android application and you have maintained an account in Admob and it will also have an add unit installed.
Friends, Google Edense or Google Admob, they use very HiTech technology, they know that their activity is being activated on the Invite, friends can use you VPN to avoid them. Do not know friends, I tell you VPN is a service that allows you to use any IP address in the world, as if I live in India and I want to use the IP address of the United State, with the help of VPN, I use his IP address. Can do
How will friends use VPN in their Android mobile, it is very easy Friends, you just have to go to Play Store to search VPN and after that you will find very good BP n you will find a VPN on your mobile Installing After Installing Friends, First of all, do you have to do first that whatever you have the application, first of all you have to do clear data. Do and click and that the first thing you do is open in any browserAfter clearing that browser's data, friends will have to turn on your VPN sample and you can select the country you want to select or the country you want to select, so let me tell you that when you use So select United State only because the ad which gets there is very expensive and when you click on it, you can get $ 1 of a click too. If you do 10, you'll get $ 10 for a whole day.
And friends do not just click on you to make some impressions. It means that you have to open a lot of add-ons and you have to cancel everything and just click on one or two AD only if you are friends. If you do, then Google will not be able to see your ADMOB account as safe and will not be told about any inwild activity in your account or charged for inviolaid clicks. You will not cut all that you earn, all the money you earn Google Adsense will come in the account after every 1 hour, select different country, i.e., a different country. What happens to this is that the google adsense of friends thinks that the click that is being done is doing the other man and that application is another person Is in the mobile of friends, it is very easy, you do not have to do anything, friends And friends, I want to say that if you do this, then friends, then you have your own applicationsYou can earn a lot more money and it is very easy. You have to spend only half an hour in the day and you can earn at least Rs. 600 to 700 every day and your AdMob account will also be safe. The thing that I told you if you want to earn a lot of money from ADMOB, then publish your Android app in the Google Play Store. What will happen that your application will be viewed in the whole world if your application If the session is good then everyone will install and You will not even need to click on your own and you can earn millions of rupees every month, but in the Google Play Store you can not publish the application for free, you have to pay some charges to Google.
Now as far as talking guys, YouTube is very hard to make money from YouTube. It's just too much of a difference that you will be able to earn money from YouTube if you are on YouTube, you know that throughout the day You can not even earn $ 1 because YouTube has changed a lot of policies in which Agra creates a new channel, then all time 10,00o Views in their videoIt should be monetize its video by going and monetize means that friends will be added to your video if your video is not advertised, then you will not have any earnings. This is the first of all friends.
Now, secondly, I tell you that Changing has changed recently, he has changed a bit more in his policy, which is being said that I will not add all the videos in the video. YouTube uploads videos in millions of millions of crores every day. I will not let everyone know if the advertisement is friendly or not is a system that checks every single video every day if your video is a little bit Mr. found wrong then appears yellow symbol in the video is where the way you videoLtd. will not insert ad or ad, then it means that it is a system that is okay, it shows the samples of this type in every single video. You can also send a request that YouTube should check your video well. After that, you are told to monetize the video of your YouTube channel within 24 hours, if found, then everything is done properly and your video starts running again in the video.
So friends get this much in today's article. Take care of yourself on your other articles, be happy and have similar post info tips and tricks to get you on our block every day and every day here You will continue to learn something new.
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